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Showing 73 to 78 (of 100 items)
  • The Nine Centered Being

    The Nine Centered Being

    How have we evolved as a different species from the Neanderthal? Journey through mutations of our visual cortex. The nine-centered being is designed to have its own Authority.
    Now at Ra.TV
  • The Not Self

    The Not Self

    A deep look into our conditioning, and how it impacts us. Do you live by what you are pulled towards, attracted to, and conditioned by? Discover how to use your mind to watch the way our not-self works.
    Now at Ra.TV
  • The Not-Self - Part 1

    The Not-Self - Part 1

    Essential for understanding the basics of reading a Human Design chart. Gain insight into how the open areas in your chart shape how you see the world and identity the major conditioning forces in your life.
    Now at Ra.TV
  • The Not-Self - Part 2

    The Not-Self - Part 2

    Join Ra as he covers the chart analysis of live participants. Learn the basic mechanics of Penta and the Wa configuration. Delve into practical information for any student interested in group mechanics.
    Now at Ra.TV
  • The Not-Self - Part 3

    The Not-Self - Part 3

    In Part 3 of the Not-Self course, Ra continues with the chart analysis of each of the participants. With each chart in front of you, listen to how Ra gives a reading - and learn how they are meant to be read!
    Now at Ra.TV
  • The Perfection of Being

    The Perfection of Being

    Do you ever wonder if something is ‘wrong’ with you? The perfection of your being is not measured against some outside standard. Embrace the process of learning to trust and be yourself.
    Now at Ra.TV
Showing 73 to 78 (of 100 items)