What makes it possible for us to experience life through the quantum view of the Body and Mind? Learn about the Magnetic Monopole and its role in forming the Self.
Discover the difference between survivability and conceivable immortality in our Design, and whether the structure of our bio-form can support the BodyGraph’s potential construct that could lead to the latter
Ra takes a deeper look at the nature of memory as a support in living our Design by holding us together and giving us the potential to transform. This lesson gives a deeper understanding of how collective memory functions, and of the importance of memory in our lives.
Individuality touches most every Design. Based in the Format Channel 3/60, it carries a specific chemistry that allows for mutation. But, this expectation of change can create challenges to the creative spirit.
The way in which we will relate to material resources is changing completely. How do we prepare for what is to come with the breakdown of the Channel 19/49?