Twenty of the 64 Gates are Fear Gates. Fears can have a conditioning influence, but also help us live our Design as they force our intelligence to grow. Learn how to move beyond the not-self use of fears that control you.
Everyone has mutative potential. Discover how melancholy from Gates and Channels of the Individual Circuitry can bring transformation through creative endeavours.
Learn how the Program operates through the transit field and the archetypes of the Godhead, and how we are open to its conditioning forces that keep the collective mindset under control.
Profiling Gates represent the essence of where Profile archetypes are derived. Gate 50 and Gate 6 are the only Profiling Gates in the BodyGraph’s Awareness Centers. Discover the root of our survival and emotional intelligences.
Ra describes deductively how the evolution of forms took place—from the original Reflector to the Manifesting Generator, followed by further differentiation into the Manifestor, (pure) Generator, and Projector.