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Showing 133 to 138 (of 189 items)
  • The Dog Queen's Penta

    The Dog Queen's Penta

    Ra Uru Hu’s second and last studio album, recorded in Ibiza, 2005. Accompanied by J.P. Pasquier, Greg Guhl, Dominique Molliat, and Martin Chabloz.
  • The DreamRave

    The DreamRave

    How are you designed to sleep? This is an informative and practical introduction to sleep and the mechanics of the DreamRave.
  • The Five Signposts: Measuring Transformation

    The Five Signposts: Measuring Transformation

    The five signposts are steps in the nine-centered being’s process of transformation. Join Ra in exploring transformation and the signposts of deconditioning that guide us in this process.
  • The Fork in the Road | RA2.4

    The Fork in the Road | RA2.4

    After 2027, new possibilities will emerge for changing the old paradigm of tribal leadership to a new form of individualism. Ra describes the transition from the bargain of the past to the role model of the future.
  • The Four Views

    The Four Views

    Do you want to learn the basics of Human Design? Join Ra as he breaks down the 4 essentials of a BodyGraph that point to simple decision making.
  • The Gates of Fear

    The Gates of Fear

    Fear is a part of our human process. Gain insight into the potential for awareness found within the different types of fear by understanding the Gates of Fear within the Spleen, Ajna and Solar Plexus Centers.
Showing 133 to 138 (of 189 items)