The Martyr Personality represents the Anarchist of the 6 Profiles. Discover how the archetypal role of the 3rd Line is fulfilled through a trial and error process.
The Opportunist Personality represents the Confidante of the 6 Profiles. Discover how the archetypal role of the 4th Line is fulfilled through networking.
The Heretic Personality represents the Savior among the 6 Profiles. Discover how the archetypal role of the 5th Line is fulfilled through sharing what is practical.
The Role Model Personality represents the change agent of the 6 Profiles. Discover how the archetypal role of the 6th Line is fulfilled through a mutative awareness.
The Nodes show our trajectory in life. This lesson teaches us about The Link Nodes which serve as a link between Personality and Design. Join Ra in exploring how this process brings wellbeing and wholeness into our lives.