When I look at the seven-centered being, I look at what it brought us. The whole glory package was in here. This was the whole glory package, this mind, this glory, the absolute incredible glory of mind. And we can understand that. We can understand what it was like that the moment that we began to
This circuit, the Mystical Way, obviously could have many names. You could call it the mystical way, the spiritual way, the holy way, the natural way, the this or the that way, whatever you want to call it.
Most people, when they think about the potential of dream analysis, they’re just curious about whether you can decipher them into some kind of concrete meaning...
When you think about Design, a wonderful place to go is here in the center of the G Center, the identity. In here, we have what's called the Magnetic Monopole, that which holds us together in the illusion of our separateness
This is the Science of Differentiation. Here is the opportunity to really begin to see Profile and to really begin to see the costume. It’s one of my favorite things to think about when you think about Profile, it’s a costume.
This is the whole thing about the 2nd Tone. It's the thing that makes us so mysterious as creatures because it's the only thing we have that can recognize something that's never been recognized before.
There are so many different things that I can show you in relationship to Lines. Again, it begins with something that is very important to grasp. That is, the assumption is that you read a Line for its own value, but you can’t.
It’s extraordinary, this search, and we see it in so many ways. Whether you see it as esoteric, New Age, counterculture, traditional, this and that and all the various things, this is the end of it.
This fear of Authority begins with the archetype of the mother and the father. The 18th Gate is the Oedipus-Electra Gate. It is here that we begin to examine the opposite sex, that we begin to challenge whether...
Profile is an extraordinary thing. It is really the costume of life, it is the costume of your purpose. And in saying that, it is something to grasp about the nature of Profile. Everyone, no matter who they are...
Everybody‘s role changes depending on whether they are in a collective situation, an individual situation, or a tribal situation. All the work that I do on expanding the understanding of the Personality is to bring everybody the opportunity to see the mapping of how they operate.
There's so much information available that when you're looking at a Design, the simple things in Human Design are often left behind and at great risk because despite its depth, it is in fact simple knowledge...
Logic is always seeking the perfect pattern, and the perfect pattern is possible. But for the Abstract, there can be no such thing.
One of the core aspects, and most extraordinary mysteries of Human Design is the Magnetic Monopole. Within the framework of Human Design, the neutrino and the magnetic monopole allow us to reliably look at how we operate, and the ways the world operates.
As someone who has dealt with melancholy all of my life, and spent most of my life not understanding the nature of melancholy, simply manifesting my way through it, Human Design finally gave me an insight into...
We spend approximately a third of our lives asleep. It seems to be something that is built into nature. There are different forms of life that sleep, and yet, at the same time, science really doesn’t have an explanation.
When I first began introducing Human Design, Definition was the very bedrock of what I tried to explain to people. It really was a way of beginning to introduce what it means to be imprinted...
For me, the BodyGraph is really the most fantastic aspect of the Human Design System. It is the only aspect of the mechanical construct that is truly original.
I was given the design, or mechanics, of the various forms: the forms of bio-life, inanimate forms and trans-auric forms. I was also given something else: the knowledge about the mechanics of death.
When I began this series of looking at Profile, I began with the concept of the signpost, and I want to return to that.
"It doesn't mean that the sadness goes away, but it means that the sadness itself can be interpreted as something beneficial. In other words, it becomes your muse."
Purpose is an interesting concept for the mind; that there must be some higher valuation than the physical life of the body, a reason for this personal existence, and that there is something that must be done or accomplished.
I’m often asked a lot of questions, obviously, about Human Design. And I think one of the most basic questions anyone asks is, what does it really do for you?
Dream Interpretation and the role of nighttime dreams are viewed quite differently in the Human Design System from how they are portrayed in mainstream science of dream interpretation.
Definition is what is consistent and reliable within us; it is what creates our Type and determines our Strategy and Authority. Here is a basic overview of the Kinds of Definition you will encounter.
Living with feeling can be a dilemma. In the past 18 years of experimenting with Human Design, I’ve found a few field notes helpful for the defined Solar Plexus person, and those who choose to live with them.
I saw a recent post on Facebook asking about Profile compatibility, and this is the first time in a while I felt compelled to write a response.
A journey through the lines from the perspective of the Channel of the Prodigal 13-33: The Design of a Witness
We know that there are 64 Hexagrams, and there are six Lines in each Hexagram. But each Line has a subdivision...
There is nothing that has greater impact in Human Design than the Solar Plexus Center. It is the motor of our emotional nature, and it operates in a wave.
The Solar Plexus Center is one of the body's four motors, and it is extraordinarily powerful. With 50% of humanity emotionally defined, we live in a dense emotional environment.
One of the most important things to discover after your Type and Strategy is the framework upon which it is based. In that, we come to the Profile and the Hexagram
The foundation of Human Design analysis is the Hexagram and its structure. From Profile to Gate and Channel thematics, the six Lines reveal profound information.
The BodyGraph is a map. Explore how energy flows through the Pressure and Awareness Centers within Circuits and the Mental Streams: Logic, Abstract, and Individual.